
Smailing Girl


We know why you have found us.

Maybe it’s a friend, brother, son, or other family member. But you need to

get someone you love out of jail. We understand your pain and will do everything in our power to make the process as simple and fast as it can be. Our pricing is fair and regulated by the State of Connecticut. We can serve you 24 hours a day anywhere within Connecticut. We are the best choice if you are in need of a bail bondsman in Danbury or Fairfield county. That’s because we aren’t the average bail bonds agency.

We actually know what it is like to be in your shoes. Our empathy is just part of why we offer the best bail bonding service in Fairfield County. It’s our 20+ year experience in the bail bonds industry and our commitment to integrity that separates us from the rest. If you want a Connecticut bail bondsman who is passionate about reuniting families, Moore Bail Bonds is here to help.

Our 24-7 Service Includes

  • Se Habla Español 

  • Located next to the Danbury County court 

  • Jail Information 

  • Any Size Bonds

  • Bonds Qualified By Phone

  • Nationwide Service

  • Cash Accepted

  • Most Major Credit Cards Accepted

  • Apple Pay Accepted

  • Checks Accepted

  • Confidential

Moore Bail Bond Services

Moore Bail Bonds provides bail bonding service throughout the state of Connecticut We will go to wherever you need our service for a loved one or family member. Additionally, beyond bail bonds, we provide a wide variety of services to help you navigate the legal and corrections systems. Below are just some of the outstanding services we offer all of our clients.

Always Available 24x7 and 365 Days a Week

Our bail bond team is available around the clock through the entire year. We understand people are usually arrested during the off-hours (relative to business hours), our bail bondsmen are available in the evening, early morning, weekends, and holidays. We know being arrested is not a scheduled event on your calendar so we a prepared for anything at any time.

Fast, Efficient, and Friendly Service

Our bail agents are committed to providing the best service possible. This means we are always efficient, fast, and friendly during your time of need. We know the emotions of being arrested and go out of our way to calm the situation by getting you out of jail fast! And, we know that being arrested is only the beginning of your journey through the county court system. Therefore, we help you every step of the way beyond your release from jail.

Never Hidden or Undisclosed Fees

Our bail bondsmen will never hide fees from you or charge you with anything that isn't first disclosed and explained. All of our fees are clearing printed in black and white on all of our documentation. Consequently, you will never incur costs that you weren't completely made aware of right from the start of the bail bond process. Further, we don't pile onto your expense with additional house call charges, delivery fees, processing charges, etc. The one fee you are charged includes 100% of our service.

No Charge, 100% Free Consultation

We always provide our prospective clients with a 100% free consultation .We understand you may still be shopping and considering other bail bond companies in Connecticut, so we do our best to provide you with the best information to help you make an informed decision. In our consultation, we will review your situation, discuss options for how to proceed, and come up with a plan to get you or your loved one out of jail fast. Further, we will help you with the steps beyond your release from jail in terms of getting you on the right path in defending yourself in court. Lastly, we will provide you with a variety of payment options and review our application/co-signer requirements.

All Major Forms of Payment Accepted

Unlike many of our peers in the business, we do not discourage you from using major credit and debit cards. To the contrary, we are more than happy to welcome their use. We understand the bail bonding process will likely be foreign to you, so we don't complicate things by making payment difficult. And to do so, we are happy to accept credit/debit cards. Further, in using credit cards, you can make monthly installment payments towards your charge, which should help you offset the added expense in your life. We accept American Express, Visa, Discover, and Mastercard for your bail bond service.

Referrals from Attorneys

Lawyer Referrals - we work with many local attorneys and can provide anumber of recommendation on the best one for your case. Due to the natureof our business, we work within a large network of agencies that deal withevery type of bail situation. As a result, the lawyers who refer clientsto us know that we are the best at what we do: getting you out of jail fastand helping you through the legal system. We are the bail bond company inFairfield County that local attorneys trust to be fast and reliable.

Safeguard Your Rights

Let's face it, 99% of criminal defendants need help in ensuring their rights are observed in our legal justice system. That is why you need to hire an experienced and competent team of professionals to assist you. And this team starts with your local bail bondsman. Our team understands county and state laws helping you get out to jail fast. Further, we will work hand-in-hand with your attorney both before (if applicable) and after your arrest. It is important to have one of the best bail bond companies on your legal team as you defend yourself in court.